Click and Collect


Click and Collect

Our Click and Collect service allows you to order your groceries online and collect from store within 1 hour.*

There is no minimum spend for Click and Collect orders.

We have recently introduced a small fee of £1 to use our Click and Collect services. This is to cover the cost of our bags, packaging and PPE.

  1. To use this service, simply select 'pick up' at checkout and select a date and time for collection.
  2. Your shopping will be picked, packed and delivered direct to your car, contact free.
  3. Pick up orders can be ready for you within 1 hour* or ordered in advance at your convenience.
  4. Upon arrival, please call us on 01945 582231. We will require your order number, name and car registration for our reference.
  5. Your shopping will be brought out and left at the boot of your car so that no contact is made.

*Please note, some items such as our Meat Boxes, Afternoon Teas and Large Quiches require a minimum of 1 day notice to be made up and are not available for same day pick up.